Across the Line for February...

As we pass the finish line for February, let's re-cap the month.

1.) This pic is the only pic of me taken by the "pro" at last week's Ugly Mudder. Since I'm walking across the line in this pic, I won't be buying it. Still, I am pleased with the results of the run, coming in 55th out of 132 in my age group. Purty cool.

2.) I ran 69 miles for the month, my 3rd best month ever.

3.) I biked 144 miles for the month, though - my best month to date for biking.

4.) All total, I worked out thirty minutes longer than January, which had been my previous best. Keep in mind, I did this in three fewer days.

5.) Throwing out the Ugly Mudder Trail run, my runs averaged eight seconds per mile faster than January.

Goals for March:
1.) Continued pace improvement in running.
2.) 72 miles, minimum, for running.
3.) 12 biking workouts, at a minimum of 60 minutes per. This would be a 25% improvement over this month.
4.) 8 swimming workouts. That's not a lot, but I don't need a lot to be ready for a 300 yard swim come April.
5.) Do all of it while staying healthy.


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