Run the World, Baby - the Whole World!

Or, at least 3.1 miles of it.

So here's the deal: The company I work for has runners. A lot of runners. Well, percentage-wise, a lot of runners, and so we decided to do something running related. We - along with Runner's World, the Wise Group and FOLIO: Publishing Summit are sponsoring a virtual 5k.

What's a virtual 5k? Well, you can run it wherever you want. On a track, on the road. Heck, run around your house 300 times, so long as you can map the mileage.

Then what? Submit your time online at and see how you rate against other runners.

What's with the media thing? We're a media company. We sell to media companies. (It was a way to get our bosses to underwrite this thing.) If you're not in the media, you're still more than welcome. I could pull out the soapbox and explain how if you've ever written or commented on a blog you are the media, but I'll save it for later. Trust me: you're welcome to run.

When? Anytime from 2/22-2/24.

Why then? There will be one large-ish group running. Those gathered at the FOLIO Publishing Summit will run Friday @ 7am in Miami. Everyone else can run any time else during that three day window.

How much? $25 bucks - register at Active. You get a super sweet tech shirt - blue with WMR logo on the front and no sponsor logos muddying up the back. Also, all profits go to Special Olympics.

Cool, I'm in. I hoped you'd say that. :)


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