Where The Fast Kids Hang Out...

So, running log-wise, I'm a RunningAhead.com guy. I've tried many and this one works for me. But I'm always on the lookout for new ones, cuz I'm curious like that. Particularly when John mentions one I've never heard of.

John's a local runner, who is currently running four times the mileage every week that I am. He also runs most every mile substantially faster than I run mine. Here's a typical entry from John's blog:

Monday, Feb. 25
19 miles in 2:07:47 – before heading to the airport to go to Florida
Last 7 days: 123

Tuesday, Feb. 26
13 miles in 1:32:08 – 80 degrees in Clearwater… got heat cramps and threw up in a Target parking lot before guzzling four bottles of Gatorade.
Last 7 days: 116

Yeah - that's John.

Anywho, at the bottom of that entry, John casually drops in that he uses Athleticore.com to log his stuff, so I checked it out. Guess what?

Turns out that this is where a lot of the fast people record their crap. Unlike a lot of logs and sites that foster the "community of running," the site seems to be engineered so you can see who's running faster than you and who's running further than you. Quite frankly, my ego can't handle that. :) However, if your favorite running poster is that one that says, "Somewhere somebody is running, and you're not," Athleticore might be just the place to figure out who that "somebody" is.


  1. Have to say I still go with the old school approach of pen and paper... a typical entry would be along the lines of

    "Monday, 7 miles easy
    Tuesday, 8 miles steady..."

    All the information these online ones want just confuses me. That said, I do like the ones that track the miles that each of your shoes have covered.

  2. What's this "running community" you speak of... and who are you calling fast? More like too dumb to know when to quit.


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