Keeping Time...

As Tim McGraw sings, "It's just a clock on the wall, but it's ticking away."

I'm in one of those phases... it feels like a rut, but it's far too fast to be a rut. Work is piling up, miles are piling up, family to-do's are piling up... there's a lot I'm plowing through, but there's a lot I'm not, too.

We tend to be a relatively productive group at work, with minimal meetings except when our out-of-towners come in town. This week, the key out-of-towner is here and my to-do list grows by the hour. All week, I've crossed off one lousy item. I'm a big crosser-outer and though I suppose there's something to be said for adding things to your list, I find little value in that. But crossing stuff off? I gobble that action up.

Training's going well, too, though I still haven't committed to the half marathon in 10 days... Setting 5k and 4mile PR's is one thing, but I honestly don't know if I've put in the work to warrant a good performance for 13.1 and - being oh-so-mindful of time I don't have - I really don't want to go and have a bad race. I think I'll sit on this decision for another day or two.

Tomorrow, girl wonder starts tennis... she's trying to decide if her fall sport will be tennis, cross country or field hockey. Despite my own tendencies, so long as she chooses one, I really don't care which one she picks. From her swimming, I learned that it's easier for a parent to appreciate a sport they know nothing about. And from her running, I've learned that it's easier to help them appreciate a sport that you know. Either way, we'll both be better for it.

The basement work continues, at a seemingly ferocious pace. I have hired plenty of crappy contractors throughout the years, friends... People who miss deadlines and disappear for weeks on end. But this time - oh this time, we've lucked out, and the basement project is going far better than I ever would've dreamed. I keep meaning to post pictures, but haven't had the time. Just know this: ten days ago, we had nothing. Tomorrow, the inspector comes because all of the framing and rough electric is done. D-O-N-E. Along the way, the guy's done about six "extras" that I wouldn't have thought of and without raising my price a nickel. He's amazing.

Which is good, because this week we also bought a car. A new Toyota Highlander to replace the one that's coming off lease next month. It's the wife's car - she likes the 4x4 and the suburbian trimmings. I'm plenty happy in my simple, quirky Scion xB... But buying a car will make your life a bit more frantic, too.

So, all in all, I'm not really happy now, but only because I'm just too damned busy... nothing's bad, but there's too much of everything. The older I get, the more I love silence, and I'm looking forward about a month or two when I know things will be a lot more quieter.


  1. i hear you on that whole - not sure if you can put in a good enough performance at 13.1 thing. there is one here in about 4 weeks that i would love to do - and while i know i can finish - i so wanted to beat last years' PR ... not sure the ego can handle a slower time on the clock! i am on the fence. think i am in same place as you. busy. busy. busy. (although for me, everything but the miles are piling up - i can't wait for those to pile up too!)


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