Turning It Up a Notch...

Realizing I'm probably as fast as I'm going to get without turning up the work-out intensity, I've turned up the intensity.

Yesterday, I did a tempo workout. A 2 mile warm-up, which works out perfectly as there's a high school track 2 miles from the office. The Cutting Edge Runner recommends doing tempo runs on a track so that you can maintain a consistent pace. A good tempo run should be 20-40 minutes and my charts from the same book suggested I do the tempo at 6:50 pace. But with a race on Sunday I wanted to make sure I didn't waste myself, so instead I did 2 miles - the first @ 7:00 and the second in 7:06. Then a two mile cooldown back to the office.

I'm looking forward to turning up the intensity and hoping I can do so without getting hurt. All went well yesterday.

In other news, the dog's getting faster. Yesterday (his second day), he was slower, running a 10:39 pace. But today we buzzed along at 9:25 pace. Those dogs sure get in shape faster than us humans.

And finally, I was shocked to see Campmor is offering the Timex GPS Speed & Distance watch for $69. It's no Forerunner, mind you, but $69 is wicked cheap.


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