Tiny Post....

I just got my Spi-belt and will never wear another belt for running again. Simply put, they're ridiculously better than anything on the market:

1. When nothing's in a pocket, the elastic pocket is sleek and small.
2. When putting things in the pocket, it expands quite wide (enough for my BlackBerry storm in one pocket and my DexCom in another)
3. It doesn't bounce. At all.

Big fan. You need something to carry your stuff? Look no further. I've used a couple other belt/bag combos but previously tended to favor my RaceReady shorts over belts and bags. I'll still use the RaceReady shorts sometimes, but a BlackBerry and a DexCom are a tight fit and you get a little bounce in the RaceReady. You get none of that with the Spi-belt, plus the feeling that everything is safe and secure. And for the fashion conscious, the Spi-belt looks way cooler than the RaceReady shorts.

I'd expect to use the Spi-belt for my average runs, and a combo Spi-belt and RaceReady shorts for the 15-20 milers requiring lots of gear and gel.


  1. Glad you like your SPIbelt. I'll have to think about buying the dual pocket belt for races.

  2. Agreed on the Spy-belt, it's the bomb! I especially like the race thing clips.


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