This is Not How I Look in My Toe-Socks

Perhaps the biggest problem with my Vibram FiveFingers is that toe socks are not cheap. In fact, I haven't found any less than ten dollars per pair. However, as the above pic shows, there sure are some creative (and flexible!) people marketing them.

Thus far, Operation FiveFingers is a good success. Make no mistake: after three miles in the Vibrams on Friday, I was plenty sore on Saturday. The wife asked me to join her for a two mile jaunt and I did, but not in the Vibrams. I wore the Nike Frees for that. Yesterday, I did a six mile trail run in my trail shoes. And, during all the non-running time, I wore the Vibrams, which are getting more comfortable by the hour.

Tomorrow, I'm planning a six miler over lunch. I think I'll lead off in the Vibrams for two miles, and switch up for four in my regular shoes after that.


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