And I'm Not Even Irish...

Sent in my registration for the Run 4 Luck today - a 4 mile jaunt through the neighborhoods of down-town Lancaster a week from Saturday. Looking forward to the distance - expecting it to be a little less frantic than the typical 5k mob scene.

Goalwise, I'm not sure. In previous posts, I'd mentioned improving at a V-Dot click or 1 or 2 per month. That's pretty good, but I was also waaay out of shape when I started. Obviously that type of improvement can't continue.

Using my 5k result from last December - 22:37 - gives me a V-Dot of 43. 1.... For a four mile race, that translates to a 29:30. But my V-Dot improvements have been an average or 1-2 per month and the past three months of training have been really strong.

I'd like to break 28:00 minutes. It's less than seven minutes per mile and translates to a V-Dot of 45.87 - an improvement of 2.7 in a hair more than three months. We'll have to see how it plays out.


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