Practice & Repetition

I think the most common question I get from diabetics looking to get more serious about sports is how to manage blood sugars during workouts, particularly long workouts.

The simple answer is: practice. Lots of practice with repetition. Doing the same things and tracking the results.

Last week I did a 20 mile run, using a 50% basal rate and 15g of carbs (Team Type 1 Sponsor Chocolate #9) every 4 miles. I finished with a blood sugar of a perfect 100.

So this week, I decided to do almost the same thing; the same fueling strategy though I hoped to push the distance to 22 miles. Though I'd hoped to be a bit faster this week, I pretty much ran the same splits on a windier day. How'd the blood sugars do? Watch the video to see.

21 Mile Run Before from marcus grimm on Vimeo.

You can see the full splits from this week's workout here, and last week's workout here.

With only 1 more very long run before Boston, this shows that I should be in good shape to go for a PR in the neighborhood of 3:15.


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