The Nearly 1/2 Marathon PR, Apidra & Other Stuff...

As a reader, I can tell you: sporadic blogs suck. When I'm enjoying reading someone, I expect them to post regularly, and I haven't.

But as a writer, I made a deal with myself a long time ago: I write what I want, when I want. There's no need for another chore in my life because, believe me: I've got plenty of them.

But still, I do have some things to say.

First up, running. Last weekend was the Hands on House 1/2 Marathon, one of the bigger 1/2 marathons I do and my 3rd time on this course. It was also my first race since my marathon melt-down three weeks prior. While I expected to be a little tired, I was also a little eager to repair my ego.

Due to construction, the course was re-routed and that led to some problems, most notably when the 4th mile marker gave way to the 5th after only 1/2 mile. Yes - you heard it correct: the course was off by more than 1/2 mile.

From that point on, the pack was made up of 2 kinds of runners: those who were amazed at their fitness and those who were annoyed to be shorted on the course. The most discernible difference? The second group was made up of those of us with Garmins.

In the end, I finished in 1:30:11 -- converted to a true half marathon, it was about a flat 1:35, just 20 seconds off my PR. Considering that's 3 weeks after the marathon, I was pretty pleased with the deal.

Soooo after the race, I had to jet so my wife and daughter could get to a baby shower. At work the next day I was told I had been called for an age group award and according to the website awards packet, I did sneak into third. And yet, when I called the sponsor, they feigned indifference. Well, my wife said, it's not the trinket, it's the fact you won, right? Yeah, I said. Exactly.

So there you go - denied the chance to have a true PR and denied an award. Kind of a bummer, but what are you going to do?

In other news, I've been on Apidra for about 3 weeks now. What have I noticed?

a. It's more potent. My total insulin dosage is down about 30%
b. The lowered dosage hasn't done much to my weight. I'm still trying to trim 5 pounds and haven't had much success with it
c. Apidra supposedly has fewer occlusions - short periods where the pump tube becomes clogged. I used to think this was marketing BS - the times I've had "No Delivery" warnings on my pump are sooo few and far between, and yet I've noticed something since being on Apidra: my between meal blood sugars are like a dead man's EKG - flat, flat, flat. With humalog, I get slow gentle waves, but with Apidra, I am F-L-A-T. I'm guessing this is what occlusions really mean in the real world. So all in all, I'm an Apidra fan.

Next up, the Knoebels Lumber 5k this weekend. There, I'm the reigning two year age group champ and lemme tell ya - I'm STAYING for the friggin' awards.

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