The Future's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades...

So I've been on the hunt for new prescription sunglasses for running for three reasons:

1.) The wife's new health insurance will buy me $250 worth of specs.
2.) My current shades are not made for sports (though they looks stylish enough).
3.) My current shades are about two prescriptions old.

I found a local dealer to bring in a pair of Adidas Gazelle's, which are highly recommended for runners. But I didn't realize how stupid prescription inserts would make them look (not to mention make them look like I had twice as many lenses to break).

I was about ready to leave but apparantly the optical chick is on commission and has a few bills to pay. She kept showing me pair after pair of very stylish - but unathletic - glasses until it finally registered that I wanted glasses that wouldn't rain sweat or break when they flew off my head during a 200 meter interval (hey, it could happen). Finally, she showed me a pair of Rec Specs MAXX 30's in dark blue and it was love at first sight (get it?). Very cool, with a rubber nose guard that makes them feel like I won't feel them. I'm going to put the "silver flash" reflective lenses in them and be stylin' and profilin'. Best part? Should be $237, out the door, all covered by groovy optical insurance.


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