The Un-Super Hike

Regular readers of this blog may know that I was supposed to do the Susquehanna Super Hike & Ultra Run last weekend. Alas, Irene had other plans and the event was cancelled due to horrible trail conditions.

While that was certainly a bummer, it probably wasn't the worst thing for my training. Last week's hectic trip to Cleveland left me pretty weary by the weekend, and on the day the Super Hike was supposed to be, I actually slept until 11.

The good news? I ran 8 miles on Saturday and 21 on Sunday, so I had a good weekend of training, which is critical with the Chicago Marathon just 4 weeks away. I more 22 miler this weekend, and then the taper begins.

As far as my Chicago Marathon goals, they're somewhat predicated by if I get into Boston. Boston's new registration means a guy like me (who qualified by 2.5 minutes) can't register until the 19th, and I'll probably find out if my time is fast enough on the 26th.

IF I get into Boston this time around, I'll likely shoot for a 3:15 in Chicago, which is only 2.5 minutes faster than what I ran in May. But if Boston fills up and I don't, the aggressive goal would be to go after a 3:10 in Boston. If I hit that, I'd get preferential Boston registration for 2013.

But 3:10 sounds kind of quick to me, and all in all, I'd be more comfortable going after a 3:15. Then again, I've attempted more stupid things...


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