Ride for HB 1338, Wheels in Motion

It's amazing to me how quickly things have come together for the July 7th ride.

The first thing I've been shocked to learn is how willing the politicians would be to meet with me. Consider this: given the fact that I have a tight schedule to keep, I didn't give them any choice in the matter. I told them the day I want to come and the time I want to come.

The results? All 10 offices are welcoming me. In 5 cases, I'll be meeting with the politicians, themselves and in the other 5 cases, I'll be meeting with staff members. That says a lot about the political process, and I'm quite impressed

What needs to happen, yet? Well, a few things.

1) Iron out the maps. While I've done 1 set of maps, coming out to 83.3 miles, I'm going to revisit them again. It's not about going 83.3 miles, after all - but about getting to all 10 offices. If I can find an 80 mile route, we'll take it.

2) Nail down my elevator pitch. If I average 16 mph (a reasonable assumption, given I'm a runner, not a biker), that gives me about 5.25 hours of riding. My first appointment is at 8:45am, and the last office closes at 5pm. That leaves me 3 hours of non-riding time, during which I need to:
a. Meet with 10 politicians or their staff
b. Test my blood sugar
c. Eat/bathroom, etc.

That averages out to 18 minutes per stop, which isn't a lot at all.

3) Work out a media pitch. Thankfully, Team Type 1's Media Team is providing outreach for this, so my work here is minimal.

4) Figure out a nutrition plan. This won't be too hard, either, as I'll do basically what I did on my 63 mile ride last month.

5) Pray for good weather. To be expected in July, but then again, Murphy was an optimist.


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