Hal & I Are Going to Delaware

Today starts my 18 week training program for the Delaware Marathon. This time around, I'm using the Hal Higdon Advanced Plan 1. Various thoughts:

* Most important, I think training in January and February is tough. Thus, I haven't registered for the marathon, and won't until deep into training. However, I'm in better shape than I was in this time last year, so I think it makes sense to go for it.

* The biggest difference with this plan is two-fold: greater emphasis on middle-long runs and shorter short days. Previously, I was loyal to the long run, but never went further than six miles the other days. Hal has me doing lots of tens later in the training, which I think is a good thing.

* However, this plan only has 3 20's (though there's also a 19, so frankly, you may as well call it 4). My last one had five. However, I do think I tapered a bit early last time out, soooo...

* My travel schedule is so-so this spring. I've got a week long trip to the UK and another trip to Chicago planned, so those weeks will be tough. But otherwise, time won't be too bad.

* Hal has me resting on Fridays and running Sat. & Sun. This isn't exactly ideal for me and will mean losing some sleep. However, he has me doing a lot more short easy days than I'm used to, so I'm hoping that compensate a bit.

* This plan will be fueled by Hammer. Not sponsored by them, mind you. In fact, I'll be paying them. However, it's a switch from previous marathons.

* During the first month of the plan, while mileage and intensity are low, I'm going to be trying like mad to lose weight. Sadly, I'm ten pounds heavier than my first marathon. While that puts me right at an "ideal weight" according to the sites that measure such things, I've got no interest in carrying ten pounds of fat around the streets of Wilmington. Thus today, I resigned from the beer club at work and am going to have to make a conscious effort to lose a winter's worth of peanut butter cups and Guinness pints. It won't be fun, but....

* The whole plan here is run 3:15. Not 3:10, like I stupidly tried to do last time. 3:15. 3:15. 3:15. No faster. No slower. Get to Boston and be done with it...


  1. Marcus,
    Interesting new take on the "myth of the 20 miler." Have you read it? http://mattfitzgerald.org/blog/?p=203
    Not saying I agree or disagree... just sayin!

  2. Dan,

    I hadn't seen this! More important, I didn't know Fitzgerald had a blog... I'm going to give this article a thorough read... I'm pretty fond of most of his ideas.


  3. I'm a big believer in a longish mid-week run. Last spring/early summer my training partners and I were doing a 10 miler on Wednesdays which I think helped my fitness a lot. Hal's weekends look tough, especially starting around week 10, but if your body can handle it, I think you'll have a ton of fitness. Good luck with the plan!

  4. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Good goal, Marcus. Best of luck with your new training plan. I'll be interested to hear how the Hammer gels work out for you.


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