Ten Smart Moves to Improve Your Business

Lifehacker pointed this one out to me and while all ten (there's actually 11) are great, you gotta love #1:

Start a blog: I can attribute at least six figures of income to my blog (that doesn’t include the two decimal places!). Can you afford not to try it for yourself?

Twice in the past two weeks, I've had people tell me they thought they needed a newsletter. "Nope," I said, "You need a blog." By posting articles to a blog, including an RSS feed and pushing them out via an e-newsletter service like Zookoda, you serve three masters:

1) Website visitors who read the blog and the more who will come as you inevitably help your search statistics.
2) RSS geeks, who are growing larger every day.
3) The 90% of us who don't surf all day or sit on RSS readers but will read a great e-newsletter when it comes.
