A Little Bit of Everything...

Titles like that really aren't very SEO friendly, but such is the buffet that is my life.

Europe, Part II - I'm home. It was a great trip. Though London's a little different than a US city, and Manchester's more different, Edinburgh was very different enough to know I really went someplace I hadn't been before. The architecture of the castle coupled with the experience of running up Arthur's seat were very cool, indeed, and I was grateful for the opportunity to go.

When you travel for business, there's always this nagging feeling: is what I'm doing worth the company dollar? Is the tradeshow worthwhile? Is there enough to learn and enough to teach? This time, I can easily say it was, so it was a success. Our UK team is doing a dynamite job and it's fun to watch them grow in experience.

Running-wise, I managed 3 runs throughout the week, which isn't great. After getting back on US time, I did bang out a nice 14 miler, but - as I knew going into this - this isn't the best time of year for me to be marathon training. But still, it's early in the season and I'm not going to make any decisions yet. I'm just going to keep looking at what the program has laid out and banging out the miles when I can. Then, later in March or early April, I'll get honest with myself.

Diabetes-wise, I'm fine. I had sporadic control throughout the trip - a five hour time change is a good way to through the basal rates out of whack and foreign foods don't help - but I'm back to standard, normal life and things have glided right back to control.

And now? It's busy time: I've got a ton of work to do to get ready for the spring tradeshow season. My next trip will be a short one to Chicago in 5 or 6 weeks and most days have healthy miles planned for the lunch hour.

If you'd like to see pics from the Europe trip, there's an album in my Facebook account. If you can't see it, you're not my friend. If you want to be, just search and add. I'm not selective.


  1. Sounds like Edinburgh is somewhere I should check out... I've heard a lot of good things.

    The good thing about coming back over to Europe two weeks before the marathon is you'll be tapering! Won't have to do any 20 mile runs or anything crazy... or maybe you do, but I know I get lazy right before the big run and do go past 5 or 6 milers. Should be good weather around here by May.

    Best of luck!

  2. Nice job on the 14 miler!!

  3. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Welcome home. I would say that coming home from a blood-sugar stressing, overseas, work "vacation" and banging out a 14-miler would put you in a nice position for a spring marathon...but that's just me.


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