Oh... Deer.

So I had a tempo workout scheduled tonight. Typically, that means a warm-up/cool down with 2-3 miles @ 7:00 pace on the roads. Problem is, the trails were calling to me:

"Come here - we're softer/cooler/quieter/funner."

And I wanted to listen to them, so here's what I did:

Went to the park and did most of the run on a heavily wooded loop that's about 1/3 of a mile according to the GPS.... Very tricky footing, but relatively flat. Relatively controlled. Did a 1 mile warm-up and turned on the gas. I set the Garmin up for HR and distance only, kept the HR between 160-164 the whole time and pounded out 3 miles at tempo effort (though, being trails, the actual pace was between 7:40 and 8:00.

Here was the wild part - on the third lap of the tempo, I come up on two doe right in the middle of the trail. They probably let me get within 10 feet before they scampered away. Next lap (1/3 mile later), they're still there and let me get within 5 feet.

At the end of the workout (on the cool down) I went off the loop for a mile but ended up back on it at the very end. Guess what? Those crazy deer were back. Here's hoping they stay on park ground come deer season because they seemed to be lacking that fear of the human species that tends to come in handy.


  1. Thanks for joing TuDiabetes.com, Marcus. I love your blog. I added it to the home page of TuDiabetes.com.

    It would be an honor if you could share news about TuDiabetes with your readers, once you have had a feel for the community. I am sure you will enjoy it.

    See you around!

  2. Hey Marcua. I came here via your post on TuDiabetes. Nice blog you've got here! :) I write a diabetes blog called Six Until Me and I'll be adding you to my blogroll asap.

    Were the trails at the park indeed "funner"? ;)

    -- Kerri.

  3. Thanks, Manny.

    Yes - Kerri - the trail were indeed funner-er. :)

  4. ohmygoodness! i'm afraid to run by myself on a certain path now after i almost literally RAN INTO two deer frolicking ten feet from me. i know deer aren't supposed to be aggressive...but they're not supposed to be on paved running paths either, right?!

  5. Sarah -

    I *think* the trails are safe for a few months... well at least until the deer start rutting.... :O


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