The Oakland A's Have a Plan To Cure Diabetes by Killing All Diabetics

Hey, I kid because I care.

Hey, A’s fans! Don’t forget to show up a little early for tomorrow’s 12:35 p.m. game against the Royals - ’cause it’s MUG Root Beer Float Day! For the past eight seasons, Oakland’s AL club has scheduled a day to serve up the frosty treats - complete with $15 commemorative mug ($25 for one with a Mark Ellis autograph) - to raise money for a worthy charity.

And this year’s beneficiaries of the selling of the sweet treats? The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, of course.

What better way to show support for diabetic children than by slurping up a delicious beverage they would so desperately love to enjoy, yet could kill them if they did.

*Disclaimer: Root beer floats will not kill diabetics. If this were true, I would've been dead about a bagillion times now. However, I do think there's a bit of a disconnect between the cause and the execution on this one.


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