Fifteen Years of Brand Positioning Gone in an Instant
From yesterday's Furniture Today : The new executive team at United Sleep Products is rolling out a new flagship line here. The Nature’s Dreams line of specialty and innerspring bedding retails from $799 to $4,999 and offers the strong values that dealers have come to expect from United Sleep, the company’s new leaders say. The senior management team is in the United Sleep showroom at 114 N. Main St., showing the line to dealers and talking about their ambitious plans for the company, which they acquired in January. Marc Werner, president and CEO, and Lisa Kaufman, chairman, are principals in Northlight Capital, a Chicago investment firm. “We are repositioning the company,” said Werner. “We’ve come here with a new brand and a new product line. This isn’t your grandfather’s United Sleep .” “We want to grow and become a national player,” said Kaufman. The executives are getting involved in all the details of making mattresses. Kaufman, for example, picked the plush velour cover for ...