A Reboot, A Reset or a Mid-Season Crisis
Four months ago, I completed my first 100 mile ultra marathon. Since then - athletically speaking - I've been adrift. Not inactive. Most weeks, I'm out there five to six days per week. Even in a particularly bad week, I'm out there four times. But by adrift, I mean without a plan. Without a goal. I've done several small races and I've talked about doing several large races. But large races (in my world) require commitment to a plan and executing on that plan. I know people who go to big races unprepared. I've done it a few times, myself. I don't like it. I realized a while ago that there are two ways you can approach endurance sports. You can make time for them or you can find time for them. If you make time for them, the workout WILL happen. You will adjust your life and sleep around it. If you find time for them, most days you'll get the workouts in, but when the life gets in the way, oh well. For most of the past six years, I've been making ...