It Wasn't About the Runners. But It Was Definitely About the Marathon
In the aftermath of yesterday’s tragedy in Boston, I struggled to understand how I felt. I found some solace in the words of others; one review that did a stellar job of capturing in a few short words what the Boston Marathon means to runners . Another one offered a poignant description of how what happened was the antithesis of what running is all about . But even so, I felt that these words weren’t capturing what I was feeling. Like many, I watched the videos over and over, trying to find sense, trying to find a reason, trying to find something to make me think that things were ok, but the more you watch, the more you realize that for many, things may never be ok again. Finally, I realized what it was. What I’d been scared to admit. Watch the video from the finish line again. Or like me, just replay it in your mind. Now, at the moment just before things changed, pause it. Whisper to yourself, “There’s a bomb somewhere in this picture. Choose the safest place to be before you hi...